Gerard Roe on Radio Annabel (3rd February 1985)

Gerard Roe on Radio Annabel (3rd February 1985)

This recording of Gerard Roe’s Free Radio Campaign (FRC) show on Radio Annabel dates from spring 1985. As usual, the FRC kicks of with the news from the same week in the previous year, including RTÉ jamming of Radio Nova. There’s a feature about Irish pirate radio by a US station in 1982, including an interview with Sunshine Radio’s Robbie Robinson. Gerard complains about the crowded FM band in Dublin and criticises irresponsible behaviour and poor technical quality among some pirate operators. There’s also a 1981 recording of an RTÉ spoof on the pirates called ‘Grot Radio’ and recordings from the same year when the radio ship the MV Lieve was being kitted out in Dublin.

Gerard Roe on Radio Annabel (3rd February 1985)
Original cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

The programme was recorded from 1730-1812 on Sunday 3rd February 1985 from 91.8 FM. There was a late start due to technical issues and signal quality is fair. Radio Annabel also broadcast on 1323 kHz, announcing 227 metres. This recording is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

Listen here to Podcast #10 featuring our interview with Gerard Roe about his memories of pirate radio.

Overnight on WLS Music Radio

Overnight on WLS Music Radio
Current view of Kiltartan House in Galway city centre where WLS was located first (photo J. Walsh).

Automated overnight radio is the norm these days, but many pirate stations broadcast live programmes around the clock. In this recording of Galway station WLS from winter 1985, Mike Hosty finishes his late night show before handing over to JJ (Jeremy James, formerly of the Voice of Peace) from midnight to 0600. The voice of the late Tony Allan is heard on adverts and the station’s AM frequency of 846 kHz is also announced.

This recording was made on 28th and 29th November 1985 from 2340-0025. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

Breakfast on WLS with Don Stevens

Breakfast on WLS with Don Stevens
Close-up of WLS letterhead, 1986 (courtesy Ian Biggar).

This recording of Galway pirate WLS Music Radio features one of the station founders, Don Stevens, on the breakfast programme. Made on a frosty morning in Galway a month before Christmas, it begins with the ‘coffee break’ easy listening segment aimed at ‘housewives’. The musical choice includes some country and Christmas songs. There’s also a promo for a local charity event.

Breakfast on WLS with Don Stevens
Cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

This recording was made on 26th November 1985 from 0906-0953. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

Don Stevens and Pamela Wilson on WLS

Don Stevens and Pamela Wilson on WLS
A shot of the WLS mast at Prospect Hill, Galway (Anoraks Ireland Collection).

This recording of Galway pirate WLS Music Radio was made in November 1985. It begins with the final half-hour of the Sunshine Special breakfast show presented by Don Stevens, one of the station’s founders. He is followed at 1000 by Pamela Wilson, formerly of ERI in Cork. News is read by Chris Ashford and there are many adverts for local Galway businesses.

Don Stevens and Pamela Wilson on WLS
Cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Made on 13th November 1985 from 102.7 FM, part 1 above runs from 0933-1019 and part 2 below from 1020-1106.

Part 2 from 1020.

This recording is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

Pamela Wilson and Keith York on WLS

Pamela Wilson and Keith York on WLS
WLS advert from 1986/7 (courtesy Ian Biggar).

This recording of WLS Music Radio from Galway was made in the autumn of 1985 and features two of the station’s top presenters, Pamela Wilson and Keith York (RIP). It begins with a love songs spot on Pamela’s programme, which is packed with local adverts. There are also shout-outs to listeners in shops and businesses around town. News on the hour is read by Chris Ashford. Pamela is followed at midday by Keith York, who was one of the station’s founders. There’s an indirect reference to the Voice of Peace, the offshore station where Keith worked before coming to Ireland.

Pamela Wilson and Keith York on WLS
Cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Made from 102.7 FM on 4th October 1985, part 1 above runs from 1121-1207 and part 2 below from 1207-1253.

Part 2 from 1253.

The recording is from the Anoraks Ireland Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.