Community Radio 257 from north Dublin

Community Radio 257 from north Dublin
Community Radio 257 rate card (courtesy Ian Biggar).

Community Radio 257 was a short-lived station broadcasting to the northside of Dublin in 1983. One of many stations in the area associated with John Thewlis, it began around the time of the raids on the bigger pirates in May 1983. By July, Anoraks UK reported that it was based in the northern suburb of Clontarf. According to an article by Tony Donlon in the World DX Club magazine in July 1983, Community Radio 257 used a 250-watt rig previously owned by Wicklow Community Radio, which had been closed down by the Council for infringing the planning act. The address given was 77 Dollymount Avenue, Dublin 3.

According to Offshore Echos no. 49 of October 1983, Community Radio 257 broadcast first on 1134 kHz but moved to 1116 kHz in July to avoid interfering with Radio Dublin Channel 2. In an illustration of the cut-throat world of Dublin pirate radio at the time, the Captain’s News reported that for the first two days it was jammed by Capitol Radio’s transmitter as they had planned to use that frequency. Community Radio 257 also announced 94 FM, broadcast 24 hours a day and carried news on the half hour. The grandly titled ‘Community Radio 257 Radiophonic Institute’ offered a course for potential producers and presenters for the proposed new commercial stations. The most promising students were to be be offered jobs on the station. In October, Anoraks UK reported that Community Radio 257 was on and off air and later moved to the Country Club in Portmarnock. It was raided after allegedly causing interference at Dublin Airport and closed down on 25th November.

This recording of the station was made on Friday 26th August 1983 from 1045-1130. The cassette label notes 94 FM but the poor audio quality suggests AM instead. Tony Meyler is on air with a competition for listeners to win cinema tickets. Promos are heard for the 257 Radiophonic Institute and the 257 roadshow disco for party hire. The recording is from the Skywaves Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from northeast Dublin. Thanks for Ian Biggar for further background information.

Border series: linedancing on Radio Star Country

Border series: linedancing on Radio Star Country
Radio Star Country banner from the station’s website.

This short recording of Monaghan station Radio Star Country from 1997 reflects the linedancing craze that was sweeping rural Ireland at the time, particularly among country music fans. Following the syndicated news from IRN in Britain, a promo airs for a linedancing competition sponsored by Radio Star Country in a pub in Armagh. The extract also includes adverts for local businesses and a station advertising promo. The presenter is Country Girl Claire, who continues to broadcast on Radio Star Country to this day.

The broadcast was recorded on the island of Sotra in western Norway and quality worses towards the end, reflecting the distance from the transmitter on the Irish border. The recording was made sometime in November 1997 between 0858-0910 from 981 kHz. It is kindly donated by Svenn Martinsen.

Border series: Radio Star Country relays United Christian Broadcasters

Border series: Radio Star Country relays United Christian Broadcasters
A 1980s view of Bud in western Norway where Radio Star Country was received (courtesy Svenn Martinsen)

Radio Star Country has relied on religious programming since the early 1990s as an income stream. As well as hosting individual gospel programmes, the station has at times relayed other Christian broadcasters. This recording from 1996 is one such rebroadcast of United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) Europe. A postal address in Stoke-on-Trent is announced and Christian music is heard.

The recording was made from 981 kHz from 0717-0723 on 8th March 1996, using a Drake SPR-4 with a 200-metre antenna facing southwest. Audio quality is poor with co-channel interference and splatter from adjacent stations. Thanks to Svenn Martinsen for the donation.

Border series: Radio Star Country during visit of President Clinton

Border series: Radio Star Country during visit of President Clinton
1980s photo of listening post in Bud, western Norway (courtesy Svenn Martinsen).

This recording of Radio Star Country was made in western Norway in November 1995 during the visit of US President Bill Clinton to Northern Ireland. It begins with continuous music before 0900 interspersed with long commercial breaks taking advantage of the busy run-up to Christmas. Adverts are heard for businesses in Armagh, Down, Tyrone, Derry and Antrim including the outskirts of Belfast, reflecting Radio Star Country’s large coverage area on AM. An unidentified DJ (likely Patsy Jordan) comes on air at 0900 and refers to the Clinton visit during copious requests from listeners. There is an advertisement for a Radio Star Country sales representative for the Lisburn area, with the tagline ‘one of Northern Ireland’s biggest radio stations’. A promo for the gospel programme New Life in Christ is also heard. The recording was made from 981 kHz on Thursday 30th November 1995. Part 1 above begins at 0828 and Part 2 below at 0902.

Part 2 from 0902.

Audio is of fair quality given the distance with some deep fading but long sections that are quite listenable. Thanks to Svenn Martinsen for the donation.

Border series: breakfast on Radio Star Country as heard in Norway

Border series: breakfast on Radio Star Country as heard in Norway
A 1980s photo of where an Irish receiving antenna was built in Bud, Norway (courtesy Svenn Martinsen).

Today we feature another recording of Monaghan station Radio Star Country made on the western coast of Norway. It features continuous music at breakfast time, including a promo is heard for “your own 24-hour a day country music station from Monaghan to wherever you are” but with no commercial breaks. The fact that there was no live DJ in a peak listening slot underlines how Radio Star Country sometimes failed to provide a core schedule in the post-1989 period.

Audio quality is fair at the beginning but deep fading occurs after about 20 minutes. There is some wobble but it is not clear if this was on the station’s side or is due to the degradation of the tape over time. The receiver is retuned to an unidentified UK AM station at the very end. The recording was made in Solsvik, Norway from 981 kHz between 0755 and 0840 on 29th October 1994. The receiver used was a Drake SPR-4 with a 200-metre antenna facing southwest. Thanks to Svenn Martinsen for the donation.