Declan Meehan and Stevie Dunne on Sunshine Radio

Declan Meehan and Stevie Dunne on Sunshine Radio
Declan Meehan in the Sunshine studio in 1981 (photo courtesy of Ian Biggar).

This early recording of Sunshine Radio features two big names in the radio business since the 1970s, Declan Meehan and Stevie Dunne (Stevie Gordon). Made from 531 kHz AM (announcing 539 metres) from 1323-1410 on 12th February 1981, Declan’s lunchtime programme includes the Call and Collect competition based on a car registration number and various adverts, including one for the Sands Hotel in Portmarnock where Sunshine was based. Declan is followed at 2pm by Stevie, who had previously worked at the offshore station Radio Caroline. He would go on to work in other Irish pirates such as Radio Nova and South Coast Radio in Cork. Listen here to an interview with Declan about his radio career from his time at Sunshine.

There is some co-channel interference on this recording as it was made in Scotland by Ken Baird, outside the core Sunshine AM area. Thanks to John Breslin for the donation.

Non-stop music on KISS FM 102.7

Non-stop music on KISS FM 102.7
KISS FM rate card (courtesy of Ian Biggar).

This is another recording of Radio Nova offshoot KISS FM from 102.7 made by British radio enthusiast Leon Tipler during one of his visits to Dublin to document the Irish pirate scene. It was made from 2138-2310 on 12th September 1982 and features continuous music with station IDs. Nova’s news service, read by Siobhán Purcell, is also broadcast by KISS but presented as ‘Independent Radio News’.

The recording is from the Leon Tipler Tapes Collection, donated to us by Steve England.

Early KISS FM programming

Early KISS FM programming
KISS FM car sticker (courtesy of DX Archive).

This is an early broadcast of KISS FM on 102.7 from 2130-2259 on September 11th 1982, just a few days after the station’s launch. There are a few links by an unidentified DJ, but the style is mostly the clutter-free format for which Nova and its offshoots would gain popularity at various times. Nova’s news service is now known as ‘Independent Radio News’ and is carried by both stations at 10pm. It is read by Bryan Dobson, who retired from RTÉ in 2024. Clearly KISS FM was still experiencing teething problems as the news jingle fires unexpectedly and there is dead air for a few seconds in the final half hour.

This recording is from the Leon Tipler Tapes Collection, donated to us by Steve England.

The early days of KISS FM 102.7

The early days of KISS FM 102.7
KISS FM flyer (courtesy of Ian Biggar).

One of several offshoots of Radio Nova, KISS FM, came on the air on September 7th 1982 and broadcast until January 15th 1984. Starting off by playing continuous music only on 102.7 FM, KISS developed into a specialist and speech service alongside Nova, mopping up additional advertising and listeners.

This is the original version of an interview conducted by British radio enthusiast Leon Tipler during a visit to KISS FM in September 1982. He speaks to Brian Edgar and Stuart McLaughlin about the plans for KISS, rivalry between the Dublin stations and the economics of pirate radio.

This recording is from the Leon Tipler Tapes Collection, donated to us by Steve England. Below is a KISS FM promo from 1982 for a giveaway of £102.70. This was donated to us by Paul Buckle.

Dublin bandscan from 1981

Dublin bandscan from 1981
Some of the Leon Tipler Tapes Collection held by

This is a bandscan of radio as heard on AM and FM in Dublin in August 1981 by Leon Tipler on one of his many visits in Dublin to document the local pirate scene. The scan gives a sense of the sheer volume of stations on AM and the less crowded FM band, where British stations could regularly be heard due to lack of congestion. We don’t have a precise date but part of the recording was made on a Sunday.

The bandscan begins on FM with Belfast station Downtown Radio’s closedown with a read- through of the next day’s schedule. This is followed by unidentified Irish and British stations on FM and céilí music on RTÉ Radio 1. Leon then switches to AM and tunes past foreign stations before settling on Radio City on 257 metres where Brian Harmon is signing off for the night. This is followed by classical music on what sounds like Radio 1 again. A live ad is read out by the DJ for the new Sunday Tribune newspaper on Sunshine Radio on AM and Leon then switches to Radio Nova on 88 FM. This is followed by exchanges from air traffic control, as was the norm on part of the FM band in those days.

Dublin bandscan from 1981
Early Sunshine Radio sticker (courtesy DX Archive).

The scan then returns to AM and Radio Leinster on 738 kHz (406 metres) where Anna Craig is signing off at the end of her Sunday morning show. She is followed by Fr. Michael Culloty with a religious programme. The bandscan ends with more AM stations include ARD and part of the Disco Format show on Sunshine.

This recording is from the Leon Tipler Tapes Collection, donated by Steve England.