Dr Don’s final show on ARD

Dr Don's final show on ARD
Don Moore (left) and ARD backer Bernard Llewellyn after a raid on 31.01.78 (photo Eric Luke/Irish Press).

This is a recording of the final show by the late Don Moore on ARD in September 1982, towards the end of the station’s run. Dr Don, as he was known on air, was credited with developing ARD into a serious player in the Dublin radio market at the end of the 1970s and start of the 1980s.

The lunchtime show features Don’s trademark zaniness with comic inserts and jokes, some of which would be off-colour by today’s standards. Don was an irreverant broadcaster, but the fact that ARD was coming to an end probably meant that he was even less concerned about ruffling feathers. Although Don makes no farewell announcement at the end of the show, he doesn’t commit to returning the following day. Taking over at 2pm, the next DJ Seán Hannon hopes that Don will be back sometime in the future. The label on the cassette itself refers to ‘Dr Don final’ so it seems likely that this was his last show.

Dr Don's final show on ARD
Original cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

The recording was made on Wednesday 1st September 1982 from 99.9 FM between 1301-1413. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson. ARD closed just over two weeks later on 15th September.

Hugh O’Brien and David Dennehy on ARD

Hugh O'Brien and David Dennehy on ARD
ARD’s aerial at the Crofton Hotel in 1981 (courtesy Noel Hiney).

This recording of Alternative Radio Dublin (ARD) was made on a Saturday afternoon in 1981. Hugh O’Brien is on air with mostly oldies and is joined by David Dennehy with sports news. Both would be heard on other pirates throughout the 1980s and on licensed radio thereafter. The recording includes a news flash about the highjacking of an Aer Lingus plane in Paris.

There are plenty of adverts including one for Channel 3 television, later to be known as Channel D. Channel 3 was one of a handful of short-lived pirate television stations broadcasting in the 1980s. It was set up by Don Moore of ARD and Michael Tiernan of the National Independent Broadcasting Organisation, a grouping of commercial pirate stations. Other voices heard on adverts are Paul Vincent, Dave C. and Tony Allan. The cassette has become degraded over time and there is some audio distortion.

Hugh O'Brien and David Dennehy on ARD
Original cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

The recording was made from 99.9 FM from 1659-1745 on 2nd May 1981. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

Ronan Collins and Ian Dempsey on ARD

Ronan Collins and Ian Dempsey on ARD
Ian Dempsey in the ARD/Radio 257 studios at the Crofton (courtesy Noel Hiney)

This is a selection of adverts, promos and clips from popular Dublin station ARD in 1979, including part of the station’s final day before relaunching as Radio 257 at the beginning of 1980. Included is a promo for a phone-in show presented by Ronan Collins who went on to become a household name in RTÉ. Part of Ian Dempsey’s final show on ARD is heard on 31st December 1979. There are also clips of Sylvia on the final day and of Dave Cunningham on the new Radio 257.

This recording was made by Kieran Murray from both FM and AM and is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

ARD jingles

ARD jingles
ARD flyer (courtesy DX Archive).

This is a selection of the first cut of ARD jingles from 1978 and 1979. Many include reference to the station’s announced wavelength of 257 metres, which was equivalent to frequencies between 1134 and 1161 kHz during ARD/Radio 257’s existence. In the days before digital read-outs, the precise frequency was less important. Some jingles are generic and idents for ARD news, weather, sports and traffic are also heard. The set finishes with the original ’24 hours a day’ jingle from KACY 1520 in California that was re-cut by ARD and voiced by Tony Allan.

The recording was made originally by Kieran Murray and is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

James Dillon in the early days of Big D

James Dillon in the early days of Big D
Big D sticker (courtesy Bill Ebrill)

This is a recording of the founder of Big D, James Dillon, in the early days of the station in May 1978. The Big D song by fellow DJ John Paul is heard, as is the station’s former theme tune, Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees, James explaining that it was used on test transmissions. There are requests for listeners around the city, a live-read advert and a promo for a classical music show on Sunday morning.

We have no times for the recording but an edit is heard near the start. It was made from 1115 kHz (announcing 273 metres) by Alan Hilton, presumably in Co. Wicklow. Thanks to Ian Biggar for the donation.