Jingles: Q102 Imaging

Jingles: Q102 Imaging
Q102 compliments slip (Alan MacSimoin collection).

Q102 launched in 1985 with all the knowledge of Nova and Sunshine and a lot of investment, starting with a clean slate. See further information on DX Archive.

This was the imaging for Q102.

These files were donated to the archive on 1st January 2019. If you have similar tapes/carts/reels/files consider donating the audio to the archive here via donations@pirate.ie

Jingles: Q102 Imaging
Q102 promotional material (Alan MacSimoin collection).

Interview: Ken Harley (Nova, Big D, ARD, Radio Leinster)

Interview: Ken Harley (Nova, Big D, ARD, Radio Leinster)

In this interview, Daragh O’Sullivan talks to Ken Harley who worked on Big D, ARD, Radio Nova, Q102 and Radio Leinster. He also worked in Bay City Studios making adverts for Nova.

The interview was conducted on 20th October 2018 at the Ballsbridge Hotel in Dublin at a meet-up of people involved in Irish pirate radio over the years.

Interview: Don Harris – Airtime IRS

Don Harris worked on many of the Dublin AM pirates like ARD and Southside Radio before joining South Coast Radio In Cork. He went on to form the first independent radio sales bureau in Ireland which straddled the pirate era and the legal local radio era.

Interview: Don Harris - Airtime IRS
Airtime advert from Business & Finance 1990
Interview: Don Harris - Airtime IRS
Don Harris on South Coast Radio with Renee & Renato