Northeast series: Early afternoon on Boyneside Radio

Northeast series: Early afternoon on Boyneside Radio
Boyneside studio with unidentified DJ, 1986 (courtesy Andy Carter).

This recording of popular northeast station Boyneside Radio was recorded from its Dublin FM relay in autumn 1986. From the main studio in Drogheda, the late Dave C. (Cunningham) presents his lunchtime programme, including the buy-and-sell slot Tradio and listener’s requests in the People’s Choice. He is followed by the Golden Hour with Kieran Murray, who is standing in for one of Boyneside’s founders, Heady Eddie (Eddie Caffrey).

Northeast series: Early afternoon on Boyneside Radio
Original cassette label (note that correct second DJ is Kieran Murray and not Heady Eddie).

Adverts for businesses in Counties Louth, Meath and Down are voiced by various Boyneside DJs and presenters including Kieran Murray, Eddie Caffrey, Dave C., Dermot Finglas and Mike Ahern (Richard McCullen). Main lunchtime news at 1.15pm, including local news and sport, is read by newsroom stalwarts Mike Ahern and Áine Ní Ghuidhir.

Part 1 above runs from 1304-1352 and Part 2 below from 1352-1440.

Part 2 froom 1352.

The tape was recorded from 105.5 FM on 15th September 1986 and is from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson.

More Boyneside Radio from Kells, Co. Meath

More Boyneside Radio from Kells, Co. Meath
Boyneside Radio Kells rates card (courtesy of Kieran Murray).

These recordings of Boyneside Radio are of its service from Kells, Co. Meath in 1986. The one above begins at 0900 on 20th May with the breakfast show presented by Mike Ahern (Richard McCullen), relayed from the main service in Drogheda. Following the 1100 news, the Kells opt-out service takes over with station manager Kieran Murray’s mid-morning show. Local adverts from Meath are heard along with household tips and a housewives’ quiz. Made from 98.1 FM, audio quality is fair with some hiss.

More Boyneside Radio from Kells, Co. Meath
Cassette label from Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Audio quality is much better on the second recording below, which was made the following day, 21st May 1986, from the same transmitter. It begins at 1235, also features Kieran Murray and is also airchecked. Among the features are racing tips, ‘Tradio adverts’ and the new UK Top 40. At 1315 Kieran switches over to Drogheda for the main lunchtime news with Mike Ahern and Áine Ní Ghuidhir.

Recording of 21st May 1986

Both recordings were made by Kieran originally and are from the Anoraks Ireland Tapes Collection, donated to us by Paul Davidson. Further material from this collection is available on Radiowaves and the Irish Pirate Radio Archive.

Northeast series: Radio Carousel history

Northeast series: Radio Carousel history
Radio Carousel staff in 1981. Information below (photo courtesy of Ian Biggar).

This is a feature programme about the first five-and-a-half years of the Radio Carousel network, broadcast in December 1983. It was compiled by Kieran Murray who was the first voice to be heard on the station on 20th May 1978. There are also interviews with station founder and owner Hugh Hardy, information about listenership surveys and extracts from shows featuring presenters such as Dave Scott (Joe Reilly), Mike Ahern (Richard McCullen) and Tina Anderson. Kieran describes the satellite stations in Navan, Drogheda and on the border and there are also extracts from news programmes and outside broadcasts. Hugh Hardy’s interview with BBC Radio Ulster following the 1983 raids on Radio Nova and Sunshine Radio is included. The programme also includes a flavour of Radio Carousel Dundalk’s 5th birthday on 20th May 1983 and of Radio Carousel Navan’s 2nd birthday on 22nd October 1983.

Northeast series: Radio Carousel history
Kieran Murray in the original Radio Carousel studio in 1978 (photo courtesy of Eddie Caffrey).

Kieran Murray announces the programme as a two-hour special but this recording contains only one hour so is presumably an edited version. A full version of the station’s theme tune ‘Don’t stop the carousel’ by Roy Taylor and the Nevada is heard at the end. We thank Eddie Caffrey for donating the recording.

Full photo information

Back row: Richard Crowley, Kieran Murray, Shay Breslin, Ray Stone, Hugh Hardy, Dave Scott, Mike Ahern, Frank Mitchell.

Front row: Shane Mullen, Hugh Sands, Penny Palmer, Tony Farrelly.

Full recording: Radio Carousel (Dundalk)

Full recording: Radio Carousel (Dundalk)
Radio Carousel letterhead courtesy of Ian Biggar/DX Archive.

This is another recording of Radio Carousel Dundalk made on two consecutive days, 30th and 31st May 1985 from 101 FM. First up is a segment from the evening show presented by Dave Scott (aka Joe Reilly, RIP) from 2240 to 2325 on the 30th. The classified ads at 2300 include Bruce Springsteen tickets for the forthcoming concert in Slane, various cars for sale, a JCB driver for hire, roofing services, Kerr’s pink potatoes for sale and a BBC colour television aerial!

This is followed by part of the next day’s breakfast programme presented by Mike Ahern (aka Richard McCullen) from 0815 to 0900 on the 31st. It sounds like a one-man show at times as Mike’s voice can be heard on several ads and he also reads news headlines at 0830. However there is no shortage of advertising and there are requests too, including for children on their way to school.

Full recording: Radio Carousel (Dundalk)
Radio Carousel’s aerial at Dundalk Shopping Centre published in Swedish magazine DX Gnisten (courtesy of Ian Biggar, DX Archive).

Richard McCullen went on to work in the local licensed station LMFM. Joe Reilly (using that name) went on to work at ERI in Cork and later licensed station Radio Kerry. We thank Gary Camblin for this recording.

Full recording: Radio Carousel (Dundalk)

Full recording: Radio Carousel (Dundalk)
Mike Ahern (aka Richard McCullen) in the new Carousel studio in Dundalk Shopping Centre (photo courtesy of Ian Biggar).

This is another early recording from Radio Carousel made in Dundalk itself on 3rd January 1979 from 1330-1403. Mike Ahern (aka Richard McCullen) is finishing his lunchtime programme and hands over to Eric Vaughan (aka Eric Griffin) at 2pm. The station was announcing 265 metres (1134 kHz) at this time and had moved to a better studio in Dundalk Shopping Centre. There are adverts for the shopping centre voiced by Mike Ahern himself, an ad for a business in Warrenpoint in Co. Down and a request from a listener in Drumiskin south of Dundalk, giving a sense of Carousel’s core coverage area at the time. Both Mike and Eric worked in Carousel and Boyneside during the pirate era and continued in licensed stations afterwards as Richard McCullen (LMFM) and Eric Griffin (C103).

The tape is a bit wobbly in places but has withstood the passage of time relatively well and the signal is strong having been recorded locally. The recording was made by Kieran Murray and was donated to us by Ian Biggar.