Border series: More of Donegal station Northside Radio

Border series: More of Donegal station Northside Radio

This is another recording of Northside Radio, to which Radio North changed its name after some of those involved stepped back from the pirate station in 1989 to apply for a licence for the north Donegal franchise. On air at lunchtime is station manager Francis Callaghan with country and Irish music and plenty of requests from both sides of the border. Francis also reads out community notices and presents the daily Helpline slot. Most but not all adverts are from the North and there is a promo for a Northside Radio roadshow in Co. Derry. The station reverted to Radio North a few weeks later after the licence application was unsuccessful.

This recording of Northside Radio was made from 846 kHz AM on Wednesday 23rd August 1989 between 1309-1440 from 846 kHz AM (the station also broadcast on 98 FM at the time). Reception is fair and consistent with daytime groundwave reception as this tape was recorded in Scotland. Thanks to Ian Biggar for the donation.

Border series: Radio North closes down at end of 1988,

Border series: Radio North closes down at end of 1988,
Early Radio North poster (courtesy DX Archive).

Along with the vast majority of the other pirates, the Donegal station Radio North closed down at the end of 1988 in compliance with new broadcasting legislation. This recording of the final hour of Radio North on New Year’s Eve is presented by Mickey Henry who shares many requests from loyal listeners on both sides of the border, including one who has recorded most of the shows for posterity. Other presenters join Mickey in studio and there is a supportive phone call from neighbouring pirate Donegal Community Radio (DCR).

Border series: Radio North closes down at end of 1988,
Cutting from the Donegal Democrat in early 1989 featuring the county’s pirates.

The closedown speech just before midnight is read by station manager Francis Callaghan, who thanks everyone involved over the previous two years. Although the transmitter is about to be switched off, he hints that more is to come when he says that Radio North will be bigger and better than ever in 1989.

The recording was made by Rodney Neill from 98 FM between 2302-0000 on December 31st 1988 and is courtesy of DX Archive. Within days, Radio North would return to the airwaves.