Daytime programmes on Radio Dublin FM

Daytime programmes on Radio Dublin FM
Radio Dublin studios in Inchicore in 1986 (courtesy Andy Archer).

Radio Dublin, one of Ireland’s longest running pirate stations, split its services for a number of years to air specialist programmes such as niche music or current affairs. Radio Dublin Channel 2 was set up in April 1980 with this purpose but suffered from ongoing technical problems and lack of investment. One such issue was bleedthrough from the main AM transmitter and such interference can be heard clearly in this recording, to the extent that the programme becomes inaudible towards the end. The DJ is Gerry Marsden who also spent periods as Radio Dublin manager. The usual chart music is interspersed with adverts for local shops and a horoscopes section. Interestingly, ‘Radio Dublin FM’ and not ‘Channel 2’ is announced on air so it is not clear if this is a new service service or a rebranding of Channel 2. Another item of note is that no phone requests can be taken until the evening, a serious obstacle to building listener engagement.

The recording was made from 98.7 FM from 1109-1157on 7th March 1984. It is from the Skywave Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from Baldoyle in northeast Dublin.

Midday Miscellany on Wonderland Radio

Midday Miscellany on Wonderland Radio
Wonderland Radio flyer (Anoraks Ireland Collection).

Wonderland Radio was the community station for the large suburb of Tallaght in southwest Dublin, broadcasting from 1984 to the end of 1988. Its promotional material used the strapline ‘Tallaght Community Broadcasting’ and the station changed its name to Tallaght Community Radio in the summer of 1986. Wonderland/Tallaght Community Radio was a member of the National Association of Community Broadcasters that lobbied for the licensing of non-commercial radio stations throughout the decade. Many of those involved in the pirate station set up the licensed Tallaght FM (1999-2008).

This tape from 1984 features part of the Midday Miscellany programme. The unidentified presenter shares recipes, a community notebook and a segment on mental health. There are promos for a small adverts slot and the Tallaght People of the Year Awards. Audio quality is fair to poor in places with over-modulation of the signal and variable audio levels. Some splatter is heard also, presumably from the powerful Manx Radio signal on the the neighbouring 1368 kHz frequency, which would have been strong at the reception location.

The recording was made from 1359 kHz, announcing 220 metres, on 15th August 1984 from 1215-1302. It is from the Skywaves Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from Baldoyle in northeast Dublin.

Saturday music and sports on NDCR

Saturday music and sports on NDCR
NDCR poster (courtesy Dave Daly)

North Dublin Community Radio (NDCR) was one of the leading community broadcasters in Dublin in the 1980s. Based in the northeastern suburb of Coolock, it was on the air from 1983 to 1988 and played a leading role in the National Association for Community Broadcasters that lobbied for the licensing of the non-commercial sector. Many of those involved in NDCR went on to establish NEAR FM, the current licensed community station for northeast Dublin.

This tape of NDCR from features part of a Saturday afternoon show with chart music, sports results and community notices. The DJ is unidentified. It was recorded from the slightly off-channel frequency of 890 kHz from 1625-1710 on 18th February 1984. Splatter from the powerful BBC Radio Wales transmitter on 882 kHz can be heard during the broadcast. The recording is from the Skywaves Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from Baldoyle in northeast Dublin.

South Dublin Radio from Dún Laoghaire

South Dublin Radio from Dún Laoghaire

South Dublin Radio was one of the many pirates of the era from the southside of Dublin, broadcasting from 1983-1984 from the suburb of Dún Laoghaire. The station was linked to Radio South County that first came on air in 1980 and was active on 963 kHz AM. In 1984, it changed its name to South Dublin Community Radio but closed sometime towards the end of that year. Many of those involved went on to the popular 1990s pirate DLR that broadcast from the same location.

This tape is of the station when it was known as South Dublin Radio and features a chart music show presented by Bruce Foxton, obviously a fake name based on the British mod singer. There are plenty of requests from around the southside. Reception is weak reflecting the fact that the recording was made on the other side of the city well outside the core listening area. The recording was made from 91 FM from 1515-1602 on 30th July 1984. It is from the Skywaves Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from Baldoyle in northeast Dublin.

Test broadcast by Radio Caroline Dublin

Test broadcast by Radio Caroline Dublin

Radio Caroline Dublin was one of many Irish pirate stations using the name of the renowned offshore station. This recording is of a test transmission by a Radio Caroline Dublin from northwest Dublin in 1984. DJ Stuart announces that they are a new station on the band and will be going off air shortly to adjust their transmitter before returning later. Audio quality is poor and although this may relate to degradation of the cassette, it is likely that there were transnmission problems also. Music includes chart hits, oldies, ballads and easy listening and there are requests from listeners. The recording was made on 30th July 1984 from 1458 kHz AM, announcing 206 metres, and 104 FM is promised for the future.

A Radio Caroline Dublin was logged by DX Archive in May 1984 on 259 metres or the off-channel 1127 kHz with an address in Dublin 9. A station of the same name was logged in July 1985 on 92.4 FM, in November 1986 on 98.5 FM and in July 1987 on 87.9 and 88.9 FM, accompanied by an address in Dublin 9/11. Given the location, these may be linked to the station featured in this recording.

The recording is from the Skywave Tapes Collection. Radio Skywave International was a 1980s shortwave station broadcasting from northeast Dublin.