Radio West closes temporarily following 1983 raids

Radio West closes temporarily following 1983 raids
Radio West owner Shaun Coyne in 1986 (courtesy Andy Carter).

Following the raids by Gardaí and the Department Posts and Telegraphs on the large Dublin pirate stations in May 1983, panic spread throughout the sector and many stations left the airwaves, some for good. One such station to turn off its transmitters was Radio West, that had been broadcasting to the midlands from Mullingar in Co. Westmeath since early 1982.  

This airchecked recording is of the last 2½ hours of Radio West on the night of 19th May 1983. The station announces that it is closing on a voluntary basis as a gesture of solidarity with Radio Nova but will return to the airwaves if the situation changes. The station says it has run out of petition forms but urges listeners to lobby their TDs for licensed local radio. Among those calling the station with good wishes is Kieran Murray of Radio Carousel Navan. DJs include Mike McCartney, Davina Carroll, Mike Young, Dave Murphy, Mike Lewis, Willie Harte, Helen Bradley, Harry Burns and Michael O’Flaherty. The final word goes to station owner Shaun Coyne and Radio West closes with the iconic spoken word version of the poem Desiderata by Les Crane, followed by the national anthem.

The airchecked recording was made from 702 kHz (430 metres) from about 2230 until 0015 on 19th and 20th May 1983. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Collection and was recorded originally by Kieran Murray. There is some wobble on the cassette due to degradation over time. The closedown was short-lived and despite the on-air drama, Radio West returned to the airwaves in less than two weeks and continued to broadcast until the end of 1988.