Late night Radio Leinster shortly before station’s closedown

Late night Radio Leinster shortly before station's closedown
Radio Leinster advert a few weeks before it closed down (Anoraks Ireland Collection).

Radio Leinster was a specialist and middle-of-the-road station offering an alternative to Dublin listeners accustomed to the diet of chart music on many pirates. Launching on 29th April 1981 on 738 kHz, announcing 406 metres, it liked to claim that it wooed listeners from RTÉ Radio 1 rather than Radio 2. Despite making inroads in the Dublin radio market over its two years on air, Radio Leinster became collateral damage in the raids on large pirate stations, closing down suddenly on May 19th 1983.

This tape was made a few days before the closedown and features the Late on Leinster show presented by Gerry Wilson. There are plenty of requests, reflecting the desire for live late-night radio, now sadly a thing of the past. Adverts include the Sunday World newspaper, a staple on all commercial pirate stations during the 1980s. The airchecked recording was made on Saturday night/Sunday morning 14th and 15th May between 2230 and 0130 from 93 FM. It is from the Anoraks Ireland Collection.

American music show on Thurles Local Community Radio

American music show on Thurles Local Community Radio

Thurles Local Community Radio (TLCR) broadcast from 1981-1983 from the Tipperary town, one of several small pirate stations in the county during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It began testing as Community Radio Thurles for a week in November 1981 and promised to start broadcasting on a full-time basis every evening before Christmas. The launch was delayed until the new year and the renamed Thurles Local Community Radio was reported by the Tipperary Star to have begun permanent broadcasting on 22nd January 1982 with an evening schedule from 1800-2100 and plans for expansion. It was on 100 FM only and according to the newspaper report, the station emphasised the superior quality of the FM band over AM. However logs by DX Archive from the period June 1982 to October 1983 include TLCR on AM only (first 1260 kHz, then 1098 kHz and finally 954 kHz), perhaps a reflection of the dominance of medium wave at the time. There is no reference to TLCR after October 1983 and it seems to have petered out by late that year. Additional research is by Eddie Bohan.

This short airchecked recording of Thurles Local Community Radio was made on Sunday 24th April 1983 between 1600 and 1700 and features the Paul Ryan American Music Show. It was made by Kieran Murray from 954 kHz, announcing 319 metres and is from the Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Summer Saturday on Clonmel Broadcasting Corporation

Summer Saturday on Clonmel Broadcasting Corporation
CBC newsletter masthead from 1983 (Anoraks Ireland Collection).

The origins of pirate radio in Co. Tipperary were in the experimental summer station Radio Clonmel in 1978 and bigger stations Radio Carrick and Clonmel Local Radio in 1980. In September 1981, Galway man Gerry Gannon, who was based in Carrick-on-Suir, began planning a radio station for all of south Tipperary . The result of his campaigh was the Clonmel Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which began broadcasting on 14th November 1981. CBC became one of the leading pirates to espouse a community radio ethos, in contrast with larger commercial operators in cities such as Dublin and Cork. It had deep roots in its local community and continued broadcasting until the end of 1988.

This short airchecked recording was made on a Saturday afternoon in summer 1983 in Cashel outside the core listening area, so quality is fair at best. Up first is DJ Pat with chart music and he is followed by Kevin Ambrose. Adverts are heard for small businsesses in Clonmel and surounding towns. The recording was made from 828 kHz AM by Kieran Murray on Saturday 16th July 1983 from around 1800 and is part of the Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Daybreak on Cork station ERI

Daybreak on Cork station ERI
ERI rate card from 1983 (courtesy Anoraks Ireland Collection).

By 1983, ERI had become Cork’s leading pirate station following the transfer of studios from the village of Ballycotton to the edge of Cork city and the installation of a powerful new AM transmitter giving coverage of Munster. These airchecked recordings of the Daybreak breakfast show were made around St. Patrick’s Day 1983 and give a sense of the station during this expansion phase.

First up is former offshore presenter Andy Archer between 0823-0900 on 18th March 1983. News is read by Andrew Hewkin, who is on his final day with ERI. This is followed by Steve Marshall between 0845-0930 on 21st March 1983 with news read by Seán O’Sullivan. Adverts feature businesses around Cork city and county and there is a promo for a syndicated show, Soundtrack of the Sixties.

Daybreak on Cork station ERI
Andrew Hewkin at ERI in 1982/3 (courtesy Ian Biggar).

ERI broadcast on 102 and 105.8 FM at the time as well as 1305 kHz AM. This recording was made from AM by Kieran Murray and is part of the Anoraks Ireland Collection.

Sunshine Radio breakfast show in October 1983

Sunshine Radio breakfast show in October 1983
Sunshine sticker from the mid-1980s (Anoraks Ireland Collection)

Following the raids on the big Dublin pirates Sunshine Radio and Radio Nova in May 1983, the radio scene settled down again temporarily in the summer of that year. Having returned to the airwaves in June, Sunshine re-established itself as one of the city’s most popular stations particularly among listeners on the northside, reflecting its base in Portmarnock. A jamming campaign by RTÉ against Radio Nova and later Sunshine would soon be cranked up a gear but for the moment the Portmarnock station was able to broadcast unimpeded.

This recording of Sunshine is from autumn 1983 and features part of the breakfast show presented by Deirdre Mulins, who as well as the usual mix of music has horoscopes, a review of the papers and a weather update. News is read by Paula Daly. The tape was made from 101 FM between 0643-0733 on Friday 21st October 1983 and is from the Anoraks Ireland Collection.