Kieran Murray Homepage - Radio Photo Gallery - 38

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This is the last day of broadcasting for Millennium Radio and pictured here are two of my LEAST favourite people I have had the dubious pleasure of working with: Left of picture, with the headphone plugs in his hand is Andrew Hanlon [find out more here] Andrew was known affectionately to his colleagues as 'The Doberman Pinscher', due to his long nose, pointy chin and elegant good looks!

The funny man with the moustache and stupid grin is Gerry Reynolds [DJ name: "Scott Williams"]. The word 'patronising' comes to mind here. Gerry was to become my boss years later on FM104. He later ended up being removed from the station.

The closure of Millennium Radio was very sad for me because nearly everyone involved in the station was able to revert back to their old jobs in RTÉ. I was offered a position in the RTÉ Radio Sales department, but I decided not to take the offer. Better things were on the way!!!!!

Millennium Radio - the final day's broadcasting